If you go around to various 40k blogs, you'll see that a lot of them this week have been talking about some 6th edition rumors to come out recently. That's right folks, 6th edition madness is upon us. At BOLS, you can read the rumors for yourself. I recommend checking them out. they're fairly interesting.
Personally, I don't believe a lot of them. There are some pretty major changes to movement and shooting that seem to complicate things. Mainly shooting is the most complicated change. Your chance of hitting something changes depending on what you're shooting at. So it's harder to hit a fast moving jet bike then it is to shoot a stationary squad of guys. While I like that added realizism, hopefully the way it's used is fairly easy to remember because I can see this getting pretty complicated pretty quickly. 5th edition seemed to streamline a lot of things so I find it hard to believe that would want to further complicate things.
There are also different ranks of eternal warrior and instant death. Enternal warrior 1 protects you from instant death 1 but not instant death 2. This, however, seems needlessly complicated. I thought eternal warrior was fine the way it was.
A big one for me that I was expecting but am still bummed about is the change from a standard cover save going from a 4+ to a 5+. This is really gonna hurt my trukks with kustom force fields and I'm gonna be expecting to see a lot more "issues" as I drive up on my opponents. But maybe since the trukks are fast they'll be harder to hit? we'll see how this works out for the shootin' and lootin' list.
I also wanna take a second to show the change to deep striking rules. Mainly because this effects my not blood angels. That's right, I'm mentioning my other army.
Deep Strike: mishab table as before, place squad leader,
if in 6” of enemy: 3D6” scatter, use arrow on hit symbol, if in 12”: 2D6” hit is hit, in 18”: 1D6”, outside 18”: no scatter
may only advance on turn of arrival, even with fleet or flat out, count always as (advance) moving, charge allowed
My blood angels are an interesting army in that I send them in with melta guns, blow up my opponents vehicles and then fly away. They're all combat tactic-ed out so there aren't enough of them to do real damage in close combat. So i grab objectives with fast moving guys while my opponent is forced to foot slog it or I take out their transports for the kill point and then get where they can't get me. I really like it and I rely heavily on d6 deep strike I get so I can get right up next to my opponent with meltas. But now it looks like I'm gonna have a 2d6 scatter if I wanna get where the melta. a d6 is risky enough, trust me.
To wrap this up though it looks like I can charge afterwards. Maybe it'll be time for a more close combat, big squad blood angel army. Ya know like the actual blood angels.
The main point with all of this is to note that the list you have no probably won't work as well in 6th edition so get ready for some re-writing, which in my opinion is gonna be pretty fun.
Alright, I'm off to mexican food.
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