So lets get the basics of ork tactics down with the basic Ork unit: Da Boyz. If you're gonna play orks, you gotta use da boyz, which may sound limiting but as far as troops go da boyz are some of the best. They're 6 points a piece and come with a stat line guardsmen can only dream of. If you can ignore some pretty low stats, like their 6+ t-shirt save, it's not too shabby. They're STR 3 but the entire ork army has furious charge so you're hitting as hard as Space Marines. Sure their inititive is lower but see if I care when I'm sending 30 dudes with 4 attacks each.
There are two ways to run squads of boyz. You either put twelve in a truck or you put them in a squad of 30. You can mix and match wargear from there but those are basically what you wanna do. One main stay, regardless of how you field them, is to ALWAYS have a Nob with a power klaw and a bosspole in the squad. It's 40 points well spent. The bosspole lets you put a wound on your unit and lets you re-roll your leadership test which is incredibly valuable since losing combat means you're aiming for at best a 6 or lower. So you need that re-roll. The power klaw comes in handy for dealing with more armored targets. You can kill rhinos, dreads, and even kill a terminator or two. On top of that, in massive squads, it's as if that Nob has an extra 30 wounds before your opponent kills him. That's a lot of attempts instant death your opponent's hero. Gotta love Str 8.
The big squads are a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed putting 4 times as many models as my opponent and watching my opponent fall asleep as I spent an hour setting up. In big squads they've got an ability called Mob rule which makes squads of 11 or more fearless, which makes getting shot easier but presents a couple of issues with the no retreat rule.
Sadly, I've been a bit of an idiot about running this list so I usually get blown off the table. I'd be more sad but the level carnage is pretty great. I'll post my new greentide list someday but what you wanna remember when taking squads like this is to at least make a line with one squad or something to give the rest behind cover saves. Meat shield tactics and that 4+ is gonna make a massive difference.
Boyz in trukks my current favorite. Sometimes the speed of the trukk makes up for the much smaller squad. A big thing to remember though is never send a trukk full of boyz on their own. Unless you're sending them into Fire Warriors or Guardians you want every boy you can get. The only downside I have found is that in melee your squads are not fearless and that 6+ causes a lot of casualties on your side so a lot of the time is seems like you need to win combat by destroying the enemy completely other wise you're gonna have all your squads running away and getting sweeping advanced and all sorts of other badness.
Last little bit here is the wargear. I usually take slugga boyz because I'm all about the close combat. If you're more of a Dakka Dakka person, shootas are not a bad choice either. Str 4 assault 2 in a big squad can give you 60 shots at something. Sure it's all at BS 2 but 60 shots is still 60 shots. You can take either a rokkit launcha or big shoota as extra weapons but neither really comes in handy. I was hoping this was my answer to the no melta guns but alas rokkits are one shot and you're probably gonna miss. Big shootas are a little bit better but with your slugga boyz you wanna be running not shooting. So if you take shoota boyz, add big shootas. STR 5 aint too shabby and the ones on my trukks kill a model every once and a while.
The biggest tip as playing orks is to expect to take casualties. If you're looking for units that are gonna be unstoppable with you're opponent's brain melting trying to think of how to kill you then you should be reading a Grey Knights blog. You've got to adopt an ork mentality if you're gonna play orks. Go big, make a lot of noise, kill a lot of dudes and have a good fight.
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