Wargamers having issues with Games Workshop is nothing new. Don't get me wrong, GW has done a lot for table top gaming over the years and both 40k and fantasy are pretty solid games. Even so, there's a problem with the size of GW's control on the market. I don't know how much of the market share they have but it's extremely substantial from what I've heard (I've heard in the 90 percentile.)
You've probably already seen that GW raised their prices at the start of the month. GW raising their prices is nothing new, they do this more often then their fans would like but we continue to buy so they must not have raised their prices too high. However, there is something about this price hike that bothers me. I feel fed up with the constant prices going up. My biggest problem with this price hike is the cost of hoard armies. A box of 10 boyz is all the way to 30 dollars. With Assault on Black Reach costing around 100 dollars too, running a green tide is becoming a less feasible dream. It also kinda killed my dream of building a Tyranid army. I'm still gonna play 40k but it's just a bummer. Especially with the next bit of news.
Over at Bell of Lost Souls , GW is changing their marketing strategy.
Basically, they're going to keep everyone in the dark until right before they're gonna release something. There are some valid reasons to do this but not enough in my opinion. The one reason I can figure is because of codecies getting leaked before they come out. It seemed like all across forums everywhere people were posting their Grey Knight armies months before the models and codex were released. No company wants their stuff leaked so they don't get paid for it but I must admit that the leaked codex built a lot of hype. I spent hours talking to people about what grey knights might have at their disposal. It was fun and I actually ended up building a little inquisitor army. While I'm not a big fan of Grey Knights but I've been looking forward to what's gonna come out next. But alas, now Games Workshop is gonna keep us in the dark. We'll see how well they do it, I'm hoping not very well especially with Sisters of Battle and Necrons to come out this year.
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