GAWD I'M CLEVER (the name of the army, not the model above. Kudos to whoever made that)
So I'm shifting a little from my usual Orkiness to present a marine list I thought up yesterday. I know, MARINE LIST after all my gripes with the imperium?! It's a cop out but if it makes you feel better this is probably one of the orkiest marine lists possible.
Pedro Kantor- 175
3 Tactical Marines w/ plasma pistol, plasma gun and plasma cannon - 600
3 dreadnoughts w/ plasma cannon and TL autocannon - 375
Heavy support
3 Vindicators - 345
comes out to 1495 I believe. I was aiming for 1500 and I'm sure there are some upgrades I can give to a tac. squad but it won't really matter too much.
So the idea with the list came out of two things: 1) is my love of plasma weapons. Incredibly powerful, good chance of hitting with marines and comes with a chance it'll take your guy out too. Sign me up for one of those guns. Well maybe sign the guy next to me up for one. Regardless, str 7 ap 2 is too awesome pass up in my humble opinion. 2) I wanna spam templates at my enemy. I want to punish them if they think for a moment they can huddle up behind cover. BLAM! AP 2 coming at you full force.
For 1500 points and no test play it's not too shabby if I do say so myself. I would like to do devistator squads with plasma cannons instead of vindicators but they cost way too much and push me over my self imposed limit. Pedro Kantor makes a little more sense. He gives everyone within 12 inches an extra attack so that makes my guys a little more threatening in the assault. He also has orbital bombardment so there's another template to bring to the battlefield. Really no HQ makes a ton of sense for the army but I'm a fan of Pedro Kantor so he'll work. Now if I could just sneak some sternguard in the list...
On a side note, I'm playing a friend tomorrow in a 2000 pt game. Earlier in the week he asked what I was running and I said I wouldn't tell. He only has one army so he argued that I knew he was gonna run dark angels (and probably deathwing.) but he's notorious for writing anti-killa kans' (me) armies so I said I wasn't telling. Then I thought about bringing this and realized this is totally an anti-deathwing army. So i think I'll be bringing something else so I don't seem like too much of a hypocrite. Or maybe I should just blow him out of the water...
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